How to Start a Blog To Make Money Using WordPress In 2022

WordPress is a well-established content management system with a variety of features and options to choose from. In this guide, I’ll show you how to start a blog to make money using WordPress in 2022 and make money from it.

I’ll walk you through the steps required to set up your blog, install plugins, customize your theme, and start publishing content. You’ll also learn how to monetize your blog with various methods such as affiliate marketing, sponsorships, and product sales. So let’s get started!

What are the Benefits of Using It to Start A Blog?

WordPress is a blogging platform that has been around for over twelve years and it continues to be extremely popular. It’s known for being user-friendly, open-source, compatible with most browsers and devices (including smartphones and tablets), and constantly updated to keep up with web standards and search engine requirements.

The biggest benefit of using WordPress is that it’s easy to get up and running. Most blog platforms, including popular free blogging sites like Tumblr, require a little more time and technical expertise to set up and run smoothly.

That’s it! You can set up your WordPress site in minutes using this simple three-step tutorial. If you need help understanding the basics of these terms, check out the whole guide mentioned below.

What Do you Need to Start a Blog?

You need a domain name, hosting service for your blog files, and a WordPress installation to get started.

Domain Name

A unique name was given to a device connected to the internet. This is what people will type in their browser bar to access your website. You can also purchase relevant keywords as domains if you want to have an advantage over your competitors.

The cost will depend on the TLD(Top-level domain) extension of the blog you want to get, but it typically ranges anywhere from $10/year to $30/year for a .com address.

Hosting Service

This is where your website’s files are stored and delivered when visitors request them from their browser or mobile phone apps. There are a few companies out there that offer free storage space for new websites, but they’ll either make you watch annoying ads or sell your data for profits, so i would recommend going with a paid provider unless money is extremely tight.

A monthly rate starts at around $5-$8 depending on options such as uptime guarantees and server locations, and this expense is well worth the price for a superior quality of service.

How to Set Up Your Blog On WordPress?

Once you have purchased your domain and hosting service, all that’s left is to install WordPress on the server and customize it a little bit. The installation process differs slightly depending on which web host you choose, but it should be similar to this:

Cpanel Setting

1. Go to your website control panel and find the “Fantastico” control panel application. If you can’t find it, just Google “[your host] WordPress install” and follow the instructions to complete the process.

2. Type “WordPress” in the search bar or click on “Website Builders”.

3. Read through all of the pages of options available, but if your desired domain is taken by another user you’ll have to come back and do it later.

4. Click on “WordPress” in the left sidebar and select your domain from the dropdown menu provided.

5. Add a title for your blog, choose a username and password, fill out all of the fields with information about your site(just leave these two blank), and enter your email address.

6. Follow the WordPress installation instructions and you’re ready to start posting!

Theme Customization

Once your blog is set up, you can begin choosing a theme that goes along with it. You don’t need any coding or web design experience for this step because most themes are designed to be easy to use and handle.

The first thing you’ll want to do is install a sleek, modern-looking theme that matches the look and feel of your blog. Some themes are free and open source, but most will charge a one-time fee between $50-$100. There’s also an option for monthly plans with recurring yearly fees around $15-$35.

Here is a list of free WordPress themes you might want to consider:

1.  Elegant Themes

2.  Studio Press

3.  Themify

4.  Genesis

5.  My Theme Shop

6.  BeTheme

7.  iThemes

8.  GeneratePress

9.  WooThemes

10.  Schema

Once you have your desired theme, just follow the instructions provided by the website developer to install it with ease on your new blog and make any necessary changes to personalize the look and feel of your site.

Why Do You Need to Make Money Blogging?

People get into blogging for a variety of reasons, but many start off with the hope of making money from it. This is where things get tricky because there are several ways to monetize your blog, and most methods will require you to spend time building your audience before you start seeing any profits.

One of the easiest ways to make money blogging is by selling affiliate products that are relevant to your niche. It’s this simple: promote someone else’s product to your readers, get paid a commission when they buy through your link, and try not to be too pushy about it. Here are some of the most popular affiliate programs you can join:

1.  Amazon Associates

2.  Clickbank

3.  E-Junkie

4.  ShareASale

5.  Skimlinks

6.  Viglink

You can also sell products that you’ve created yourself, provide paid online courses, and make money through donations. Each of these methods will require a bit more work on your end to set up and maintain, but the payoff can be worth it if you play your cards right.

Monetizing Your Blog with Affiliate Marketing

Selling affiliate products is one of the easiest and most effective ways to make money through your blog. The process is simple: find a product in your niche and link it with an affiliate code in order to get paid when someone makes a purchase. All you need to do is add the product’s URL, description, and image on your site and start promoting it.

The trick here is to write honest, engaging content that will convince your readers to try the product out for themselves. This can be done by explaining how it works, what they’ll get out of using it, and any possible downsides. Don’t just repeat the sales page because nobody likes spammy marketing tactics like this!

You can also join affiliate programs with Amazon, Clickbank, E-Junkie, ShareASale, Skimlinks, and Viglink. These companies allow you to choose the products you want to promote on your site and will pay you anywhere from 5-75% commission for each sale that’s generated. All of their commissions are daily, so you’ll get a monthly paycheck based on the commissions.

Make Money Through Adsense Blogging

If you’re struggling with affiliate marketing and want an easy way to make money from your blog, then Google Adsense is a great option. You can place highly targeted ads on your site that will cover the cost of hosting and create a passive income stream for whenever you publish new posts.

There are some downsides though, so let’s go over those first:

  • Adsense only pays you after someone clicks an ad. For the most part, the ads that appear on your site won’t be clicked by your visitors because they’re relevant and targeted to their interests.
  • You don’t directly choose which ads appear on your site; Google does this for you based on what they think is best. The good news here is that these ads are highly targeted and relevant to whatever content you’re writing about.
  • Your earnings can fluctuate because of the number of ads shown on your site; twice as many ads = twice as much money (assuming people are actually clicking).

This is why Adsense isn’t a go-to method for earning income from your blog, but it’s still one of the easiest ways to do so. All you need to do is publish high-quality content.

Make Money Through Event Blogging

Running events is a great way to make money online because you’ll be able to build an audience of people who are interested in whatever your niche is. This can take time depending on what you’re running the event for, but will definitely be worth it in the end.

Your three main options here are:

1.   Running paid online classes

2.  Running live events and seminars

3.  Running webinars

Each of these options will require a bit more effort than just publishing blog posts, but also has the potential for much higher earnings. Paid classes can offer multiple streams of income, such as selling products to your students, while both seminars and webinars are great for getting direct feedback from your audience.

For each of these methods, you’ll need to spend a lot of time creating quality content for your students, so make sure it’s something that they’ll enjoy learning about! It can take months before you start making money too, so be patient throughout the entire process.

Make Money Through Paid Mentoring:

Another method of monetizing your blog is to start offering paid mentoring sessions to your audience. Once again, this will require some extra work on your part but can be well worth it once you get the hang of doing it.

You’ll need to convince potential customers that you’re an expert in your field by creating free content that will show them how knowledgeable you are. Mentoring sessions can then be offered to people who are interested in learning more from you but don’t want to pay the fee for a full hour-long session.

These memberships will usually last for different lengths of time, such as one month or three months. You’ll need to keep a close eye on your time zone and schedule different mentors/mentees at different times so that everything runs smoothly for everyone involved.

Make Money Through Podcasting

Podcasting is becoming one of the most popular methods of monetizing blogs, as people enjoy listening to their favorite authors read their content rather than reading it themselves. It only takes a microphone and some recording software to get started, so make sure you have everything in place before going for this option.

Once your blog is up and running, you’ll need to add a link in each post that features a podcast version of your content. This will be used by anyone who prefers listening over reading and can also be a great way to attract a lot of new followers.

Now that your blog is set up to produce podcasts, you’ll need to find ways of promoting them. Most people will use their website as their main source of promotion, but there are also YouTube videos and social media accounts that you can promote them on as well.

Make Money Through Sponsorships

The final method of monetizing your blog is through sponsorship. This will be slightly difficult to get started but can pay off in the long term (assuming you pick the right companies). The main idea behind this is that other brands will want to link back to their website on your site which is great for both of you.

You can do this by finding companies in your niche and emailing them to see if they’d like to sponsor your site. You’ll need a minimum of 10,000 visitors per month before sponsorships make sense, so make sure you build up a good reputation until then.


There are a lot of different ways that you can make money from your blog, but only a few will be worth your time. In this article, I talked about how to make online money. i also covered other methods such as paid mentoring and sponsorships.

In the end, I hope that now you are well aware of how to start a blog to make money using WordPress in 2022.

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