Best Alternative to Google AdSense – IsmailBlogger

AdSense Alternatives:

There can be many reasons why you might be looking for Google AdSense alternatives, it can be that you want to earn more money with your ad space or you want to keep your website’s income diversified or maybe it’s taking too long for your account to get approved or your AdSense account just got blocked for some reason (as there can be many). Well, whatever the reason, we have some of the most reliable Google AdSense alternatives narrated descriptively for your convenience.

        AdSense Alternatives Ad Category Minimum Payout Sign Up
Chikita Contextual Ads Display Ads $20  Sign-Up link
Qadabra Full page ads/ slider ads Banner ads Paypal: $10 Payoneer: $20 Wire transfer: $500 Sign-Up link
Amazon Affiliates Custom advertising Product Ads Recommended Ads Gift card: $10 Check: $100 Sign-Up link
Infolinks Search ads, in Text in Tag Ads ACH: $50 ACH wire transfer/Western Union : $100 Sign-Up link
Ad Maven Popup & popunder advertising $50 Sign-Up link Contextual display Ads Mobile docked Ads $100 Sign-Up link
Adversal Ministitial Banner Ads Pop-Under Ads $20 Sign-Up link
propellerAds Media Mobile ads Pop-under ads Banner ads Paypal: $50 Payoneer: $100 Wire transfer: $500 Sign-Up link
Skimlinks Affiliate ads Text Advertising $10.00 Sign-Up link
VigLinks Targeted Text Ads  $10.00 Sign-Up link
  1. Chikita:

How it Operates:

Just like Google AdSense Chikita operates under Cost Per Click  (CPC) strategy. It places ads relevant to your site’s content that helps you to get more clicks. You can also customize your ads according to your preferences for maximum clicks. The best thing about Chikita is that you can run it alongside AdSense, Like I said in the beginning; more money in your pockets. You can also utilize the affiliate program which you can use for extra earning by referring new members. It also allows you to customize your ads so that it collaborates with your website.


Chikita payout is $50 minimum via check and $10 via Paypal.

  • Qadabra:

How it Operates:

The best thing about Qadabra is that you don’t need to wait for approval. It’s a great platform for newbies and for sites that have low traffic. If you are a beginner Qadabra is just the right choice fro you. This Ad network has a professional team that collaborates with advertisers to solve the complexities for better speak to their visitors. They provide innovative  solutions to your problems so that you can have maximum revenue, you also get rich media ads which increase the CTR  further increasing your revenue.

With Qadabra you can choose categories for your ad units, this helps you exclude ads from categories on which you don’t want to show ads. They also optimize your site to give best performing ads as well as provide ads that are in regional languages if needed for better results.


Qadabra let you cash- out starting from as low as $1. They offer three payment options, Payoneer, Wire Transfer, and Paypal

  • Amazon Affiliates:

 How it Operates:

Everyone knows amazon, it’s one of the biggest online markets that deals with almost every kind of products. If your blog post promotes relevant products for instance if you promote mobile phones, drones, 3d pens or anything you name it then Amazon Affiliates is the ad network for you. The most amazing thing about Amazon affiliates is that they give you commission in everything they sell from your links. So yeah if your website is about products and you have some genuine traffic who click on your amazon links that you have provided and make a purchase, you get a small commission on the purchase that has been made. For instance, if you manage to sell a $1500 drone you might receive a $100 commission. The fun part is that it won’t even count if they buy your recommended product, any purchase made through your link generates a commission. Another plus is that Amazon Affiliates can be used alongside Google AdSense.

You can use contextual linking to get more clicks, use your affiliate link withing your content at prominent places so that your readers are forced to check the link. Promote your product as this assures purchases from readers and more commission for you. You can also offer discounts and promote special events by offering discounts, coupons, and other techniques, this will get you not only capture your reader’s attention but again you, genuine buyers, as well.


Amazon Affiliates use Amazon Gift cards and checks as a payout method. You can threshold $10 with a gift card and $100 with a check.

  • Infolinks:

Infolinks is the favorite Ad network of many bloggers, well there are a few reasons to this, which are

  • Easy to approve:

Unlike Google AdSense, it’s very easy to get approved on Infolinks and they are always working on bringing in new ideas that the publishers can benefit from and increase their revenue.

No Ad Space required:

Infolinks does not require any ad space on your blog as it converts some of the keywords from within your content and converts them into links. An Ad is displayed, when a reader hover over the link, and you gain revenue.

How it Operates:

Infolinks offer In-fold, In-tag, In-text and In-frame ads and are a CPM and CPC advertising network. So you have complete control on what type of ads you want to post in your content.


You can withdraw your revenue after 45 days once you have reached you required threshold that is $50 for ACH and $100 for wire transfer/Western Union.

  • Ad-Maven:

How it Operates:

Ad-Maven is best known for Pop-under advertising but apart from this they also offer quite a large number of other monetization methods such as NewTabs, Slider, interstitial, Banners, PopUp, and much more. It also enables you to maximize your revenue and get high CPM rates for your complete inventory. It can bypass all ad-block extensions and increase your revenue by 25%. Ad Maven accepts worldwide traffic and all types of websites.


Ad-Maven  has an automated payout system of minimum $50 threshold. The transactions can happen through Paypal, wire transfer, and Payoneer.

  • is considered to be one of the leading Advertising tech company. It has 800+ employees focused on developing innovative ways of increasing publisher’s revenue. It runs the second-largest contextual Ads program across the globe.

How it operates: is Yahoo! Powered ad network, it places contextual ads relevant to your content. The ads placed in your content are elegant and beautiful which help in swelling up click-through rates. You can even optimize every impression on your website with a single ad tag.

Payment: allows $100 minimum threshold and incorporates wire transfer or Paypal method.

  • Adversal

Does your page have 50,000k page views? If yes, then get ready to have a great CTR that works with several languages.Their approval is fast but it is recommended that you fulfill their requirements before applying as a publisher. It utilizes a Geo-targeting option that helps the publisher to get the right amount of the ads and makes the advertisers pay the right amount for their advertisements.

How It Operates:

Although Adversal is best known for its Pop-under ads but you can have a wide variety of Ads such as Wide Skyscaper, Ministitial, Banner, Leaderboard, Pop-under, and a few other categories.

You will get payment for every raw impression not per visitor which means more revenue. It uses codes that ensure that your Pop-under ads are not blocked and you get paid for every ad. Adversal has maintained a very decent eCPM rate and has a lot of advertising categories. Its unique reporting system enables you to keep track of various Ad campaigns


Minimum threshold for Adversal is $20, payment is made through Bank wire/check and Paypal

  • propellerAds Media

Propeller Ads, a CPM ad network pays you for every 1000 Ad impressions that you get; which means that even if readers do not click on your ads, you still get paid. Isn’t that awesome!! PropellerAds Media was set up in 2011 and has developed by leaps and bounds in a short period and has become one of the biggest CPM Ad networks. They collaborate with the following niche: software, gambling, dating, videos/movies, entertainment and much more. If your website has one of this niche, set up your account and start monetizing your website, there are huge chances that you will make more revenue with propeller Ads then you do with AdSense that is if you utilize it properly.

How it Operates:

PropellerAds Media has banners but the pop-unders work a lot better. The ads are mobile friendly if you have mobile traffic for your site. They monetize mobile apps and services hence generating huge ROI’s and unlimited CPM’s


Minimum payout through Paypal is $50, Payoneer is $100, for wire transfer they have $500.

  • Skimlinks:

How it Operates:

Skimlinks is easy to use an ad network, you simply have to insert affiliate tagged links into your site and you will earn a small commission every time any purchases are made through your referral link. With skimlink, you can keep track of any link that isn’t monetized so that you can make money from the code referrals that you make.


 the major benefit of having a skimlink affiliate ad network membership is that with a threshold of only $10 you can collect your payment.

  1. VigLinks:

How it Operates:

It helps increase your revenue automatically by converting Key Phrases and already existing affiliate links. There is over 32,000 thousand affiliate merchants supported on VigLink and you can get between 25% and 50% of all the revenue that is generated from clicks on links that operate under VigLink.

How it Operates:

Just like SkimLink it takes your regular links to products and convert them to links that generate commission if a purchase is made. You can easily share the link on social media and increase not just traffic to your site but increase your revenue as well. It also creates keyword phrases within your content and makes them affiliate links to products. It works great for sites that discuss products. It doesn’t matter if you do not have outbound links, Viglinks mechanically adds a link to words that are related to certain money-related terms of products.


VigLinks and Skimlink both have $10 as the minimum payout.


With these AdSense Alternatives you can generate more then you are generating with a single Ad network. It is always better to have two to three Ad networks for your site so in case some mishap happens to one you will have the other covering the loss for you.

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