My Journey from an oprhan Kid to a Successful Blogger

Life they say is not a bed of roses. Some of us are born with a silver spoon, while others struggle for making their lives in a better way.  But believe me it’s very difficult for most of us to afford what we need and require in life can afford what we need in life. A lot of things are easy to say, you can talk about your future and what you want to achieve in life if you’re comfortable and can eat when you want but what will you do when you’re a son of a mother having 4 Daughters struggling to make sure her children are in a good state? What will you do when you’re not even certain of the present?

I hear a saying very often from people around me, and that saying really frustrates me: The saying is, If not for the poor state of Pakistan and how corrupt our political leaders are it would have been easier for me to succeed. How many of us truly believe this saying? How many of us believe our failure and stagnancy is a result of the poor government and economy of our country? If you’re one of those then I will tell you you’re on a sure-fire road to failure.

You might never succeed until you realize that your life is in your hands and no matter how worse, your success can never be determined by your situation. I have even realized that it is easier to achieve success when you’re uncomfortable than when you’re comfortable because comfort makes it difficult for you to think, it makes you think of pleasure alone while making you forget about work.

How it All Started

I lost my father at the age of 7 and due to my father being rich it wasn’t until his death that I started seeing the other side of life.

I’m so happy because I can only tell this story because I have been elevated: that poor me who could hardly eat then won’t even think of moving near a computer let alone telling a story of how he rose from poverty to success.

Growing up, I was always thinking about what I could do to change my life style. For years, I couldn’t come up with anything, but during my 2nd semester at Institute of Management Sciences, things started to get better.

After getting admission in a school I started my business by bringing & selling notes and books etc from outside. For my class fellows from different shops. That became a business at that time for me as I’ve saved a small amount in the start. After that I got motivated as my first venture become successful and so started selling Mobile phones and their accessories etc. in very small age. This one became profitable too and people started calling me a Mobile Guru/Master.

BUT I didn’t stop my struggle here. The spirit residing in me was convincing me to do more, to expand my sale to the rest of the world without any limitation. But suddenly, all things around me changed due to the death of my father and so I stopped my struggle for some time.

Now each and everything became new for me. The people and their behavior, the environment, the food quality (from high to AVG) and in the middle of all these problems I was standing alone

Somehow, I completed my Intermediate with average marks and started struggling for admission in different universities and luckily I got admission in Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar.  On the other side, we were facing financial problems, I was eager to do something to earn some money. At that time mistakenly I received a message from an unknown number that if you want to earn money online, Send your email address and that became the turning point of my whole life. I sent him email which was created with the help of one of my friend as I was not aware from internet.

After getting the procedure through email I started my first online journey

Which was known as PTC (Paid to click) business. After 7 months of hard work and loosing almost RS 70,000, I came to the point that I am working on wrong side. So I invested my remaining money in another popular niche at that time called HYIP (High yield investment programs) (Double shah in Pakistan is the pure example of HYIP business model). From the market I had generated more than $3000/- (Rs 300000) In 45 days. But after few days, I came to know that earning money through this method is HARAM and the loss ratio is higher than profit. So again, I came back to the place with nothing in my hand. (Once again failure)

After quitting my work on HYIP I turned my luck in some other fields too including:

  • Sharing crack version software’s for earning purpose (failed)
  • Created a blog with the name of (I was sued, as the name was registered trademark of some other company) once again failed.

I was so much disappointed that I think if I set for explanation, then the words would come to end. At this stage one of my friends motivated me to start blogging with my own brand and finally the birth of my new baby child blog happened with the name of Techvela.

Real journey toward Successful Blogging

After seeing so much failure now I was on a right path with right people (blogging community friends) on right niche with a clear vision/mission/aim in my mind (what ever you call)to start helping people instead of earning money to protect people from Ponzi schemes. With the Grace of Almighty Allah and my hard day night work now I am a successful entrepreneur, Blogger, Motivational Speaker and a Freelancer.


Success which I got from 2013 and onward!

In 2013, I was selected as incubate at Entrepreneurship development center.

Listed in Pakistan top 12 bloggers in 2013, Top 10 in 2014 and on 9th position in 2016 recently.

I created and sold several successful blogs including my first one named Techvela.

In 2014, I received the best idea presenter award in a competition with 60 other ideas presenters held in KP by Peshawar 2.0 with the collaboration of Pasha Industry Pakistan. At the same time, I was featured on Tribune and Techjuice.

I left my physical job at Legacy Pharmacy, Taste in train, and AVT Khyber at the same time.

In 2014, I started my volunteer work Entrepreneurship development center at Institute of Management Sciences by arranging different seminars on freelancing, blogging, apps and games development to educate more and more people toward IM|Business (Internet marketing).


In 2015 I started KOKANE in joint venture with Mubashir Riaz from the money earned online. He is a freelancer, blogger and more importantly my brother my room Mate and the one who motivated me each and every time i fail.

At the moment I have a team of bloggers/writers, 2 successful blogs including, completed 157+ projects, and 87+ students enrolled for learning.

I featured 2 time on TV channels named Kay2 (Blogging in Pakistan) and Khyber News.

In 2015, visited USA, under IVLP Exchange Program, for being the leading tech entrepreneur in Pakistan.

And finally started The Mentors, New Born Baby. At The Mentors, our vision is to help prepare youth for a global market. We create and source local and international best practices in the field of digital marketing to support our students grow faster, safer and achieve career growth.

Through my entire Entrepreneurial journey, I had several failures (many of them are not-listed above). I simply learned from those and kept moving forward with my well and the prayers of my Mother. I have only one lesson for those who say that I have no skills, it’s not possible for me etc. that the definition of disability (lack of work/skills) is something that will hinder you from being able to do something. I found my purpose. I found my strength, and now I want you to find your one! Start your own Journey toward successful blogging today and inspire others.

Best of Luck!

2 thoughts on “My Journey from an oprhan Kid to a Successful Blogger”

  1. Thank you bhai, i am very benefited by reading your story. I also in struggling, my past is also same. I met with you in fiverr Peshawar event.

  2. It’s very inspirational story. i have learnt that never give up on your dreams. However, we all need support to put ourselves in the right path of success and should keep trying.


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