What if your first post gets no comments? What if no one reads it? Writing your first blog post can be an exciting yet nerve-wracking experience, especially if you are just starting out as a blogger and don’t have much of an audience yet. For this reason, many new bloggers get scared away from writing their first posts because they worry that no one will read them or care about what they have to say. However, the truth is that everyone goes through this at some point in their blogging career, so you aren’t alone!
Acknowledging your fear
Let’s get one thing straight. No matter how much you tell yourself it’s not scary, it is scary. It is scary for everyone.
There’s no way around that fact. So, instead of pretending like it isn’t, acknowledge your fear and write about that. What are you afraid will happen? Will people think you’re stupid? Will they laugh at your writing? Or will they ignore you completely? Write about why these things scare you and what makes them so frightening for you personally.
You may have overcome something or seen something in others that gives you perspective on your fear. Share those stories with your readers. And if you don’t have anything specific to say about overcoming your fear, just say that. Be honest and be vulnerable with your readers. They’ll appreciate it more than anything else you could possibly do. After all, we all have fears. And when we share our own struggles, other people often respond positively because they see themselves in us. Even though we might be different from each other in a lot of ways, we can still relate to each other through our fears and weaknesses.
When you share yours with honesty and vulnerability, you open up a powerful connection between yourself and your audience—and that’s when real connections are made.
Taking a step back
Everything from fear and self-doubt to an imperfect product or writing technique can cause you to feel like your first post is going to be a complete disaster. You’re not alone, but don’t let that intimidate you into inaction.
Acknowledge your feelings, then push them aside. When you hit publish, it doesn’t matter if your first post is full of typos or seems amateurish—your readers aren’t judging you for it. As long as you’re honest about what you know and what you don’t know, they’ll appreciate that transparency. The more content you produce, the better each subsequent piece will become as well. Remember: no one starts out at their peak performance level—and even if they do, there’s always room for improvement!
If you want to start blogging but are afraid of sharing something less than perfect, just remember that people care more about what you have to say than how you say it.
The only way to get good at anything is by doing it. Put yourself out there; people won’t judge or criticize you for being new because everyone was new once too. You have nothing to lose by starting small, so take a deep breath and get started on your own path towards becoming a successful blogger today!
Start a productive brainstorming session:
An important part of writing is simply thinking about what you want to write and how you can go about doing it. The earlier in your post-writing process that you brainstorm, plan, outline, or edit your ideas (in short: prepare), then better off you’ll be. Yes, it’s hard work. But if writing a professional post is difficult for you—or even intimidating—you’re not alone. Everyone has different ways they prefer to think through and plan their posts.
Here are a few ideas we’ve found helpful when brainstorming
1. When you need a break, make yourself comfortable in a silent room.
2. Have a timer set for between 15 and 20 minutes.
3. Spend some time brainstorming topics.
4. Keep on writing as long as you can.
5. When your timer goes off, choose three different colored markers/pens/crayons/paints/stickers (pick your own material) and place your ideas into good, mediocre, and bad categories.
Keep your great ideas on one document and your average ideas on another document. (Trash your lousy ideas and forget they ever happened).
Organize your list of ideas for a particular project and choose the one you like best.
The good idea list will be You’re now ready to write your first post!
Researching what’s already out there:
Now as you have already brainstormed your idea, take a look at what’s already out there. And by what’s already out there, I mean two things:
1) What other blogs are doing with their content?
You can use tools like Google Trends, semrush and/or a service like BuzzSumo to get an idea of what topics people are most interested in.
2) What kind of content is missing from your niche?
Figure out what you want to cover that doesn’t seem overly saturated on other sites. Also think about whether your readers will appreciate more resources in that particular area. If so, it might be worth creating some unique content around it. Once you’ve identified some topics or areas where you could add value to your readership, then it’s time to start writing! Remember, everyone was a beginner once…so just have fun with it!
3) Starting small.
Instead of writing long posts that overwhelm your audience (and potentially cause them to bounce), consider starting small. Maybe one short paragraph, one image and a link or two for now. That way you’re not overloading your audience too much but still giving them something useful (hopefully). This isn’t an excuse to slap together junk though—you should always strive for quality over quantity! Remember, building trust takes time…so don’t expect overnight success (or even success after 3 months!).
4) Adding videos.
If you’re looking for a way to add more value, consider adding video content as well! Videos are an excellent way to help break up text-heavy posts and get your readers engaged in different ways. Plus, it’s easier than ever before to create videos (even on your phone!) so there’s no excuse not to try it out. If you’re going with video, be sure that you have a strong script prepared before you start recording—it’ll make all the difference in how professional your final product looks!
5) Start now!
If you’re still thinking about starting a new blog or adding more content but haven’t taken any action yet…don’t wait any longer! Watch my complete course on Affiliate marketing right now.
Finding your own unique angle:
So you have a business idea. Congrats! Before you launch your new brand and try to take over your chosen niche, it’s important that you remember one thing: no matter how much research you do, or how many people you talk to, there will always be some topic out there—however small or large—that hasn’t been covered by other brands yet. That’s right; someone else is already writing about it. Don’t let that discourage you from pursuing your dream; instead, use it as motivation to find your own unique angle on an otherwise crowded topic. It can help set you apart from others in your field and help you make a name for yourself. And who knows? Maybe someday soon everyone will be talking about YOUR unique angle on things. Now go get ‘em!
Remember – you’re not alone
There are millions of other bloggers who have experienced that feeling of doubt, fear, and insecurity before they pressed publish on their first post. Take a moment and realize that you are not alone. If you want, reach out to them and see what advice they can offer. Chances are that they’ve been where you are and can help you get over your fears quicker than you think.
The most common fear is being rejected by others for your own personal views or way of life – but don’t worry about what others think. You will find acceptance in yourself (when it comes to blogging) sooner than later! Once you start writing, you’ll see that there are more people who agree with you than you thought.
Get motivated to learn:
There are many courses online that can help teach you how to write. This can give you an idea of what types of strategies and techniques successful bloggers use. Whether it’s finding a teacher, taking an online course, or reading a book, find some resources that will motivate you.
I would highly recommend you to Use AI content writing tools, like Jasper and Anyword , which will help you improve your articles. The software works well for beginners who want to learn how to write for blogs. You can use it for free. If you want more advanced features and support, then better to upgrade your free trail.
Must read the list of 10 Best AI content Generator tools in 2022
With these tools, your articles will be much better than what other people are producing online.
Writing your first post can be a challenge, but it’s one that is necessary for your blogging journey. The best way to overcome any fear is by taking small steps and building momentum. Start by getting clear on what you want to say in your first post and determine who might benefit from reading it.
When you’re ready, share a draft with someone whose feedback you trust, like a friend or colleague, and ask them what they think you should change or add. Then schedule time each day to work on your new (and future) posts—or schedule something social right after if it feels easier—and track how long it takes for you to feel frustrated at how long-winded or boring your writing is turning out.
Eventually, you’ll have written so many drafts that putting words down will become second nature. And before you know it, you’ll have a string of published posts under your belt!
When was your last time you faced a challenge head on?
Go ahead, I’ll wait… Done? Good! Now get back out there, conquer something, and let me know how it goes!
indeed a fruitful article which motivate the newcomers and made them confident. really appreciate the work done by you.