How To Do Keyword Research With Semrush? Lesson 011

If you’re like me, just starting out on your journey as a content creator, blogger, or Amazon affiliate marketer, you’ve probably heard the buzz about the importance of keywords. In today’s digital world, understanding how to find the right keywords is like having a treasure map for online success.

In this guide, we’re going to explore how to do keyword research with Semrush, a user-friendly tool that can take your online ventures to the next level. We’ll break it down in simple terms and help you unlock the power of keywords, ensuring your content gets the visibility it deserves. 

What is Semrush?

Semrush keyword research tool is like your trusty compass in the vast wilderness of the internet. It’s an incredibly handy tool that professionals use for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and content marketing. But what does it really do? 

Well, in simple terms, Semrush helps you figure out what words and phrases (keywords) people are typing into search engines like Google. 

Why is that important? Because knowing what people are searching for is like having a secret code to unlock the hearts and minds of your audience.

This keyword tool is like the Swiss Army knife of digital marketing. It offers a bunch of cool gadgets, one of them being the Keyword Magic Tool. With Semrush, you can not only find the right keywords but also analyze your competitors, track your performance, and much more. It’s the go-to for pros in the field, and by the end of this guide, you’ll understand why.

Now, let’s get started and start knowing about what keyword research process is and how it works.

Why Keyword Research Matters

Keywords are the building blocks of the internet. When you type a question into Google or any other search engine, it uses keywords to find the most relevant websites to give you answers. As someone looking to make a mark online, understanding this process is key to your success. 

Here’s why:

  • Visibility: If you’re an Amazon affiliate marketer or a blogger, you want people to find your content, right? Well, the right keywords help you show up in search results. No keywords, no visibility.
  • Relevance: Using the right keywords means you’re providing what your audience is looking for. This is your ticket to becoming their go-to source.
  • Competition: The digital world is competitive. Keywords help you stand out. You’ll be using them to outsmart your competitors.
  • Organic Traffic: The right keywords can flood your website with visitors. More traffic can lead to more sales, more ad revenue, or just more readers for your blog.
  • Understanding Your Audience: Keywords give you insights into what your audience wants. This is like a cheat code for creating content that resonates with them.

So, buckle up because we’re about to unlock the treasure chest of advanced keyword research, and Semrush is your trusty key.

How To Do Keyword Research With Semrush?

Now, let’s dive into the exciting part: how to use Semrush for keyword research. I’ll break it down into simple steps so you can follow along.

Signing Up and Accessing the Platform

To get started, you’ll need a Semrush account. Don’t worry; the process is straightforward. Just go to the Semrush website and sign up. You might have to choose a plan, but don’t fret – there’s often a free trial available. Once you’re in, you’ll land on the dashboard. It’s like the cockpit of your SEO journey, and from here, you can access all the tools, including the Keyword Magic Tool.

Exploring the Keyword Magic Tool

The Keyword Magic Tool is your magic wand for keyword research. You can find it in the Semrush dashboard. Click on it, and you’ll see a search bar.

Here’s how to start your keyword research adventure:

  • Enter Your Seed Keyword: Think of this as your starting point. If you’re writing about “running shoes,” type that in.
  • Hit Enter and Explore: Once you hit enter, the tool gets to work, and you’ll see a list of related keywords. It’s like opening a treasure chest of keyword possibilities.
  • Refine Your Search: You can filter the results by various criteria. For example, you can choose to see only keywords with a certain search volume or keywords related to a specific topic.
  • Analyze Keyword Difficulty: This feature helps you figure out how hard it is to rank for a particular keyword. It’s like knowing if the treasure is buried shallow or deep.
  • Select Your Keywords: As you explore, you can add keywords to your list. Choose the ones that best fit your content and audience.
  • Save and Export: Don’t worry about losing your treasure map. You can save your list and export it for future reference.

Remember, keyword research is a bit of an art and science. You want keywords that have a decent search volume (people are looking for them) but not too much competition. Semrush helps you find that sweet spot.

Ready to get your hands dirty with keyword research? Keep reading to discover how to find the best keywords for your content.

How to Do Keyword Research with Semrush Keyword Magic Tool? Step-By-Step

Let’s start with the basics. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use the Keyword Magic Tool:

Step 1: Enter Your Seed Keyword

In the tool’s search bar, type in your seed keyword. This is the main keyword around which you want to build your content. For instance, if you’re running a blog about travel, you might start with “best travel destinations.”

Step 2: Explore the Treasure Trove of Keywords

Hit the magical “Enter” button, and voilà! You’ll see a long list of related keywords. These are the golden nuggets you can target in your content. Explore them all to find the gems that fit your content strategy.

Step 3: Filter and Refine Your Search

Now, let’s narrow down the list to find the most valuable keywords. You can use filters to do this. For example, you can filter by search volume (how many people are searching for that keyword), keyword difficulty (how hard it is to rank for it), and more.

Step 4: Analyze Keyword Difficulty and Volume

This is where the science part comes in. You need to find keywords that strike a balance between search volume and keyword difficulty. Low competition is great, but it’s no use if no one’s searching for it. High search volume is excellent, but not if it’s too competitive. Semrush shows you these metrics for each keyword.

Step 5: Select Your Keywords

As you browse the results, select the keywords that make sense for your content. These are the keywords you’ll target in your articles, blog posts, or product descriptions.

Step 6: Save and Export Your Treasure Map

Don’t lose your findings. Semrush allows you to save your selected keywords and export them for later use. It’s like having a pirate’s map to hidden treasures, and you can revisit it whenever you want.

This is the core of keyword research. Remember, the goal is to find keywords that not only describe your content but also have the potential to bring in traffic. So, go ahead and explore the Keyword Magic Tool – your compass to finding the perfect keywords for your content.

How to Get Keyword Ideas from Semrush

How to Do Keyword Research With Semrush

Now that you’ve mastered the basics, let’s talk about getting creative with your keyword research. The best keyword strategies often go beyond the obvious.

Here’s how to get those fresh, unique keyword ideas:

  • Discover Related Keywords: Semrush’s Keyword Magic Tool is smart. It doesn’t just show you the exact keywords you enter; it also suggests related keywords. These can be gold mines. For example, if you entered “best travel destinations,” you might discover related terms like “offbeat travel destinations” or “family-friendly travel spots.”
  • Long-Tail Keywords: Don’t ignore long-tail keywords – those longer, more specific phrases. They may have lower search volume, but they’re often less competitive and bring in highly targeted traffic. For instance, “best travel destinations in Europe for a budget honeymoon” is more specific than just “best travel destinations.”
  • Question-Based Keywords: In the world of voice search and natural language queries, questions matter. Look for keywords that start with words like “how,” “what,” “why,” or “where.” These can help you create content that directly answers your audience’s questions.
  • Competitor Research: Sneak a peek at what your competitors are doing. Semrush lets you spy on their keyword strategies. Type in their website or blog URL, and you can see what keywords they’re ranking for. This can give you insights and inspiration.

Incorporating these tactics into your keyword research can give your content an edge. Remember, it’s not just about finding keywords; it’s about finding the right keywords that align with your content and your audience’s intent.

In the next section, we’ll dive deeper into the art of analyzing and selecting the best keywords from your list.

Analyzing and Selecting Keywords

Now that you’ve gathered a list of potential keywords using Semrush, it’s time to refine and choose the best ones. Here’s how:

  • Assess Keyword Competitiveness: Each keyword comes with a metric that shows how hard or easy it is to rank for. It’s often labeled as “Keyword Difficulty.” Aim for keywords with a reasonable level of difficulty, especially if you’re just starting out.
  • Balancing Search Volume and Difficulty: Strike a balance between search volume (how many people are searching for the keyword) and keyword difficulty. High search volume is great, but not if it’s nearly impossible to rank for. Low competition is fantastic, but not if no one’s searching for it.
  • Relevance: Always keep your content and your audience in mind. Choose keywords that are relevant to your niche and align with your content goals.

By now, you should have a refined list of keywords that are not only relevant but also achievable. In the next section, we’ll show you how to take things a step further by analyzing your competitors.

Competitive Analysis with Semrush

When it comes to keyword research, your competitors can be your best teachers. Here’s how to learn from them using Semrush:

  • Evaluating Your Competitors’ Keyword Strategies: Enter your competitors’ website or blog URLs into Semrush. You’ll see a list of keywords they’re ranking for. This is like peeking into their treasure chest. Study these keywords to understand what’s working for them.
  • Identifying Keyword Gaps and Opportunities: Semrush can also reveal keywords that your competitors haven’t targeted yet. These are your golden opportunities. It’s like finding hidden treasures in uncharted territory.

By analyzing your competitors, you can fine-tune your keyword strategy and find unique keywords that can set you apart in your niche.

The next big question is, “Is Semrush free for keyword research?” Let’s tackle that in the next section.

Is Semrush Free for Keyword Research?

This is a question many beginners ask. The short answer is yes, Semrush offers a free trial, but it’s not entirely free. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Free Trial: Semrush usually provides a limited-time free trial. During this trial, you can access most of the features, including the Keyword Magic Tool. It’s a great way to test the waters and see if Semrush fits your needs.
  • Paid Plans: To access Semrush fully and enjoy unrestricted keyword research, you’ll need to subscribe to one of their paid plans. These plans come with various features and pricing tiers. The investment can be well worth it if you’re serious about your online presence and marketing efforts.

Now that you know the cost involved, you might wonder if Semrush is worth it. Let’s explore that in the next section.

Is Semrush Good for Keywords?

You don’t just want a tool; you want a tool that works, right? Semrush has built a reputation for being one of the best in the business. Here’s why:

  • User-Friendly: Even if you’re new to SEO and keyword research, Semrush’s user-friendly interface makes it easy to navigate and find the information you need.
  • Accuracy: Semrush’s data is highly reliable. You can trust the metrics it provides, like search volume, keyword difficulty, and more.
  • Comprehensive: Semrush isn’t just about keyword research. It’s an all-in-one platform that covers everything from SEO to content marketing, competitor analysis, and more.
  • Customer Support: Semrush offers excellent customer support. If you run into any issues or have questions, they’re there to help.
  • Industry Trusted: Many SEO professionals and experts rely on Semrush. It’s a name that’s been trusted for years in the digital marketing industry.

To sum it up, Semrush is more than just good for keywords; it’s a powerful ally in your online marketing journey.

Tips and Best Practices for Effective Keyword Research with Semrush

Now that you’ve got the basics down, let’s explore some tips and best practices to maximize your keyword research with Semrush:

  • Utilizing the Keyword Magic Tool Effectively: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different filters and settings. The more you explore, the better you’ll become at finding the ideal keywords for your content.
  • Staying Updated with Industry Trends: The digital world is constantly changing. Keep an eye on the latest SEO and content marketing trends to ensure your strategies remain effective.
  • Combining Semrush with Other SEO Tools: While Semrush is powerful on its own, combining it with other SEO tools can provide a more comprehensive approach to keyword research and content optimization.

As you apply these tips, you’ll become a keyword research pro, driving more traffic and boosting your online presence.


In this guide, we’ve unlocked the secrets of keyword research with Semrush, a tool that can transform your digital marketing game. By understanding how to use the Keyword Magic Tool, refining your keyword list, and exploring your competitors’ strategies, you’re on the path to success. 

Remember, keywords are the bridges to your audience, and with Semrush, you’re building those bridges stronger and smarter than ever before.


How do I use keyword research in Semrush?

To use Semrush for keyword research, sign up, enter your seed keyword, explore the Keyword Magic Tool, filter results, analyze metrics, select keywords, and save your findings.

Is Semrush free for keyword research?

Semrush offers a limited-time free trial, but for full access to keyword research and other features, you’ll need to subscribe to one of their paid plans.

How do I get keyword ideas from Semrush?

You can get keyword ideas in Semrush by using the Keyword Magic Tool to explore related keywords, long-tail phrases, and question-based keywords.

Is Semrush good for keywords?

Yes, Semrush is highly regarded for keyword research. It’s user-friendly, accurate, comprehensive, and trusted by industry professionals, making it an excellent choice for keywords.

1 thought on “How To Do Keyword Research With Semrush? Lesson 011”

  1. Yes semrush is one of the best tool for SEO . ypu can find keywords by using the Keyword Magic Tool to explore related keywords, long-tail phrases, and question-based keywords.

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