How To Start an Ecommerce Business with Shopify in 2024

If you’re thinking about starting your own online Shopify store, 2024 is a fantastic time to jump in. According to a survey by Oberlo, online sales worldwide are expected to reach an incredible $8.15 trillion by 2026. That’s a great opportunity!

We’re going to discuss all the steps, like signing up, choosing a plan, store design, product addition, shipping, and payment gateway setup. You will be able to launch your store and start an e-commerce business.

Do you know? In 2022, Shopify made a massive $5.6 billion in sales. Yep, you read that right! And it’s been growing by over $4 billion in revenues since 2015.

So, if you’re looking for information about how to start your online store with Shopify in 2024, stay tuned with us. We’ll keep things simple and guide you every step of the way.

What is Shopify?

what is shopify and how it works

Shopify is like your own supermarket in your PC! That’s kind of what Shopify is. It’s like an amazing toolbox that helps you create your own online store, even if you’re not a web designer.

You can pick the look and feel, like painting your shop walls and choosing shelves. It’s easy, no coding needed. You can even add cool stuff like a chat window for customers or secret discount codes.

But Shopify isn’t just for setting up shop. It’s like your business partner that helps you grow! It keeps a record of all your orders, so you don’t get worried about paper receipts. Plus, it has super spy tools that show you what your customers like, so you can make your shop even better.

It’s designed to be user-friendly and has a wide range of other features that’ll help you set up shop and start selling in no time.

And the best part? You can try it for free for two weeks! Why not give it a try and see if your dream shop can come to life online?

Remember, over 800,000 stores use Shopify, selling tons of products (like $200 billion worth last year!). That’s pretty cool, right?

Let’s enroll and learn a free Shopify Course by Yasir Sharar

Why Choose Shopify?

Now, you might be wondering, “Why should I go with Shopify?” Well, I hear you, and I’ve got some compelling reasons.

First of all, it’s all about simplicity. You don’t need to be a coding expert to make your online store look and work just the way you want. Shopify has an easy-to-use interface.

But that’s not all – there are more tools at your fingertip. And here’s where the data comes in: In the year 2022, Shopify generated a surprising $5.6 billion in total revenues. That’s not pocket change! It’s a testament to Shopify’s effectiveness and popularity.

So, when you compare Shopify with other e-commerce platforms, you’ll quickly see why it’s the top choice for over 1 million stores. Whether you’re just starting or looking to scale up your existing business, Shopify is one of the best platforms for eCommerce business.

Setting Up Your Shopify Store

Following are the few steps to follow to set up your Shopify store:

  1. Sign up
  2. Choose Shopify Plan
  3. Store Designing
  4. Adding Products to your store
  5. Payment Gateways Set up
  6. Shipping Product to Customer

1. Signing Up and Explaining the Dashboard

Alright, let’s get you started on your Shopify E-commerce Business journey! First, we need to sign you up, and I’ll make sure you understand the process. When you enter your email and click on Start a Free Trial, you’ll see the below page:

shopify log in

If you’re a newby and just starting click on the above highlighted spot. Click on the next button, you will see the below interface:

how to make shopify store

Here are the 6 options and you can select even more than one option. Then click the next button to proceed to the next step:

Start shopify

select one or more options from the above about what you wanna sell. After that, click on the next and you’ll go to the below section:

Shopify in Pakistan

Select the country where you want to do business and you will choose the Gmail account you’ve entered and will see the below popup:

Shopify email

Enter the code you received in the email and click on the login. You will be redirected to the below section, to confirm the two-step verification:

Shopify  security

When you click confirm, your free trial will be started, and will receive the below notification:

How To Start an Ecommerce Business with Shopify

Once you’re in, let me walk you through the dashboard. It’s your mission control center, where you’ll manage everything.

2. Choosing Your Shopify Plan

Now, it’s time to decide to choose your Shopify plan. Shopify offers various plans to suit different business needs. Here’s where I come in to help you pick the one that’s just right for you.

shopify plans

Select a plan according to your business and enjoy using Shopify for $1/month for 3 months and then you’ll be charged $25/month after 3 months. Now enter the required details to get started:

shopify payment method

I entered the required details and selected a basic plan. They will cut $1 from my account after 5 days. You can cancel it before the due date if you’re not satisfied.

Store Design Basics

Your store’s design is crucial for attracting and keeping customers. Just like dressing up your store’s window, choosing a theme is vital.

themes for shopify

Did you know that smartphone users account for 71 percent of retail website traffic, emphasizing the importance of mobile-friendly design? Let’s pick a theme and make your store uniquely yours.

Adding Products

Your store’s shelves need some products, right? I’ll share some effective tips for adding your products. Remember, Shopify’s revenue reached an impressive $5.6 billion in 2022, which means you’re in good company.

Add product and How To Start an Ecommerce Business with Shopify

Learn: How to find best-selling products for Shopify

Setting Up Payment Gateways

It’s time to talk about payment gateways! You want your customers to have a smooth experience, right? We’ll explore different payment methods and ensure secure integration.

How To Start an Ecommerce Business with Shopify 1

Shopify offers a wide range of payment methods to help you meet the needs of your customers from all over the world. Here are some of the most popular options:

  • Credit cards: This is the most common payment method used online, and Shopify Payments supports all major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. You can also use a third-party payment gateway to accept credit cards.
  • Debit cards: Debit cards are becoming increasingly popular, and Shopify Payments supports all major debit cards.
  • PayPal: PayPal is a popular digital wallet that allows customers to pay without entering their credit card information. Shopify Payments integrates seamlessly with PayPal, so you can start accepting PayPal payments right away.
  • Apple Pay and Google Pay: These mobile wallets allow customers to pay quickly and securely using their smartphones. Shopify Payments supports Apple Pay and Google Pay, so you can make it easy for customers who use these wallets to checkout.
  • Shop Pay: This is Shopify’s buy button that allows customers to save their shipping and payment information for faster checkout. Shop Pay is available to all Shopify merchants, regardless of their payment gateway.
  • Manual payments: If you don’t want to accept credit cards or online payments, you can set up manual payment methods such as cash on delivery (COD), bank transfers, or money orders.
  • Paymob: Supports debit/credit cards with 3DS security.
  • Tap Payments: Supports debit/credit cards with 3DS security.
Payment methods and How To Start an Ecommerce Business with Shopify

In addition to the payment methods listed above, Shopify also supports a variety of alternative payment methods, such as:

  • Buy now, pay later (BNPL): BNPL services allow customers to spread out their payments over time. Shopify supports several BNPL providers.
  • Cryptocurrency: You can accept cryptocurrency payments using a third-party payment gateway.

The best payment methods for your store will depend on your target audience, the types of products you sell, and your location. When choosing payment methods, it’s important to consider the fees associated with each method, as well as the ease of use for your customers.

Understanding Shipping Options

Online shopping in Pakistan is booming, but figuring out shipping can be a bit confusing! Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with this simplified breakdown of your Shopify shipping options. Get ready to make your Shopify e-commerce business successful!

Courier and How To Start an Ecommerce Business with Shopify

In Pakistan, Shopify store owners have several shipping options:

  • Local Courier Services: Companies like TCS, Leopards Courier, Call Courier, and BlueEx offer reliable domestic delivery. We use call courier.
  • Pakistan Post: A cost-effective option for smaller packages, offering standard and express services.
  • International Couriers: For global shipping, services like DHL, FedEx, and UPS are available.
  • Third-party Logistics (3PLs): Useful for handling storage, packing, and shipping, especially for high-volume orders. 2% tax on payment through third-party providers.
  • Local Delivery: Direct delivery in specific cities or regions.
  • Pickup Points: Customers can collect orders from a designated location.
  • Custom Shipping Rates: Shopify allows setting rates based on price, weight, and destination.
  • Free Shipping: This can be offered as an incentive, often for orders exceeding a certain amount.
  • Flat Rate Shipping: A simple approach where all orders have the same shipping rate.
  • Shipping Apps Integration: Shopify’s App Store offers apps for automated shipping solutions, label printing, and tracking.
shipping and delivery and How To Start an Ecommerce Business with Shopify

Choosing the right option depends on your business needs, product types, and customer preferences.

Advanced Shopify Store Customization

You can customize your Shopify store easily without any coding:

Advanced Theme Customization

Now that your Shopify store is up and running, let’s make it truly yours. You know what they say, “dress to impress.” Your store’s theme is like its outfit, and with advanced theme customization, you can give it a unique and eye-catching look.

How To Start an Ecommerce Business with Shopify store

Choose a theme (impulse theme recommended) that reflects your brand. Edit colors, fonts, and layouts to match your style. Highlight your products with stunning visuals and clear calls to action. Check details like search bars, social media links, and checkout pages.

Explore: 7 Free themes for Shopify

Utilizing Shopify Apps

Time to supercharge your store! Shopify’s like a toolbox filled with handy gadgets. And you know what’s great?

You can add even more tools to it with Shopify apps. There are apps for just about everything, from boosting sales to streamlining your operations.

How To Start an Ecommerce Business with Shopify

We’ll explore the top apps in the next post for various functionalities and I’ll show you how to integrate and manage them seamlessly.

Managing Your Shopify Store

Managing your Shopify store involves several key aspects:

  1. Taking Care of Orders: When people buy things from your online store, it’s important to handle their orders well. This means making sure they get what they bought and being ready to help if they want to return something.
  2. Looking at the Insights: Think of your store like a game. You need to keep track of how well you’re doing. Shopify helps you do this by showing you lots of information. This information helps you make smart choices, like knowing which things are popular and where your customers come from.
  3. Keeping Track of Inventory: Imagine having a toy store. You need to know how many toys you have so you don’t run out when kids want to buy them. Shopify helps you count your stuff and makes sure you don’t run out of stock. But if you’re doing dropshipping, then no need of inventory.
How To Start an Ecommerce Business with Shopify

So, in simple terms, managing your Shopify store means making sure orders go smoothly, looking at how well your store is doing, and keeping track of your products. It’s like running a store, but online!

Marketing and Sales Strategies

Now let me tell you about marketing and sales strategies for your Shopify store! Let’s explore some powerful techniques:

How To Start an Ecommerce Business with Shopify

Effective Marketing Techniques: We’ll explore social media, email marketing, and content marketing to reach your audience. With 71% of retail website traffic coming from smartphones, mobile-friendly campaigns are crucial. Social media, email, and engaging content are your tools to connect with potential customers.

PPC and SEO: We’ll cover Pay-Per-Click (PPC) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies to boost your online presence and attract targeted traffic. Shopify’s impressive growth history since 2015 is proof of these strategies’ effectiveness.

Sales Strategies: Closing deals and boosting revenue are our focus. Learn about promotions, discounts, and up-selling to entice shoppers and increase order value.

Customer Retention: Keeping customers is easier than finding new ones. Discover techniques to ensure repeat business. Shopify’s success story speaks to the value of customer loyalty.

Building Customer Relationships: Excellent customer service is key. We’ll share best practices and guide you in creating loyalty programs and building a brand community.

Get ready to supercharge your Shopify store’s success with these techniques and insights!

Future of Shopify and E-commerce Business

The future of Shopify is looking bright if we look at the previous years progress.

Shopify trend and How To Start an Ecommerce Business with Shopify

Let’s take a look at the exciting trends in online shopping in 2024.

As of now, global online retail sales are predicted to reach $8.15 trillion by 2026. That’s an incredible number, and it underscores one thing: e-commerce is not going away anytime soon.

Do you know, how augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) are transforming the online shopping experience. Did you know that in 2021, Shopify’s market capitalization reached an impressive $171.57 billion?

AR and VR market and How To Start an Ecommerce Business with Shopify

I’ll also share insights in the coming post about emerging trends like social commerce, subscription models, and voice search. With this knowledge, you can stay ahead of the curve and create a successful e-commerce business with Shopify.

The future of Shopify and e-commerce is filled with exciting trends like livestream shopping, sustainable online shopping, and AI-driven personalization. Together, we’ll explore these trends and ensure you’re well-prepared for what lies ahead. Get ready to work in the future with confidence!

4 Types of Ecommerce Businesses:

Let’s talk about the 4 main e-commerce business models. When it comes to starting your own online e-commerce business with Shopify, understanding these models is crucial. So, let me break them down for you:

Business to Consumer (B2C)

  • This model is all about selling products or services directly to individual consumers.
  • It’s like when you buy a new phone or a fashionable outfit online – that’s B2C in action.
  • Did you know that in China and South Korea, 83 percent of consumers are used to shopping online via their smartphones? Mobile shopping is a big part of B2C.

Business to Business (B2B):

  • B2B e-commerce involves businesses selling products or services to other businesses.
  • Think of it as a wholesale operation, like when a manufacturer sells car parts to an auto assembly plant.
  • B2B e-commerce is a significant part of the online market, catering to the needs of companies.

Consumer to Consumer (C2C):

  • C2C is when individuals sell products or services directly to other individuals.
  • Ever sold your old gadgets on platforms like eBay or Craigslist? That’s a classic example of C2C.
  • It’s a bit like a digital garage sale where everyday people become sellers.

Consumer to Business (C2B):

  • Now, this is where things get interesting. C2B is when individual consumers offer their products or services to businesses.
  • A great example is a freelance writer offering their writing services to a digital marketing agency.
  • C2B is on the rise, thanks to the gig economy and the flexibility it offers.

So, there you have it – the four e-commerce business models. Depending on your business idea and goals, you can choose the one that suits you best. Whether you’re selling to consumers, businesses, or both, the world of e-commerce is full of opportunities.


In conclusion, let me give you a few crucial tips to have a successful e-commerce business with Shopify like

First tip: keep customer satisfaction your first priority. Happy customers become loyal ones and become your permanent customers and return visitors.

Secondly, keep an eye on market trends and be ready to adapt. The e-commerce business is always changing, and keeping yourself updated is key to success.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to invest in marketing and promotions to grow your brand. As has shown, with dedication and a quality product, you can become a renowned brand in a few months, like us.

So, if you’re thinking of starting an e-commerce business with Shopify, now is the time to start and become your own boss. Keep the above tips in mind and leave a comment below. Which tip is most important to you?

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